Headway Leicester News
Check out all of the latest news for Headway Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland!
NHS Research Enablement Project
Headway Leicester are Community Ambassadors for the NHS Research Enablement Project. “Be Part of Research enables you to find and take part in a range of health and care research. Health research helps to discover new and better ways to treat diseases, improve the NHS and the quality of care across the country. Anyone can take part in research whether
New statistics
Brain injury admissions have increased by 12% since 2005-06, with there being 356,699 admissions to hospital in 2019-20.
Platinum Portrayals
Our brand new exhibition showcases the talents of our Headway community.
Action for Brain Injury Week 2022 – See the hidden me
New research shows more than three quarters of brain injury survivors struggle every day due to their hidden disability.
Headway Leicester awarded £4054 from the Arts Council’s Let’s Create Jubilee Fund
Headway Leicester has been awarded £4054 from the Arts Council’s Let’s Create Jubilee Fund by Leicestershire and Rutland Community Foundation.
Wear your silly hat and show your support for people with brain injuries!
Once a year at the end of Action for Brain Injury (ABI) Week, our supporters come together to help us improve life after brain injury.