Digital Day Centre

We’ve radically transformed our services in response to COVID-19 and launched our #DigitalDayCentre in June 2020.


Over the last eight months we have expanded the range of digital services to include counselling and referral support.


Our specialist team is currently running  ten sessions a week for our members. These include art workshops led by external tutors, a specialist Occupational Therapist group plus our BAME group, ‘Chai Pani’.


Although we have had to change the way we do things, we are still here for you.


We are still taking new referrals and we will continue to support all our current and new members through video calls and telephone calls.

people showing drawings over zoom
zoom meeting

Sessions you can attend

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Coffee and Catch Up

Every Monday and Thursday we host a Coffee and Catch up session. In a relaxed online environment, these sessions are a great place to meet and chat with other brain injury survivors. Everyone who joins us is made to feel very welcome and it’s always a fun and lively session that the group look forward to.

painting of penguins

Art Therapy Workshops

Art therapy has a strong relaxing and stress reduction quality for brain injury survivors, which is tremendously beneficial for overall recovery from their injury. Each workshop normally lasts for around 1hr and members will create a piece of art, through paint, clay or pottery. All of these techniques help improve memory, attention, and other cognitive functions

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Chai Pani

Our Chai Pani group is providing an opportunity for members to meet and socialise with others whose English is not their first language. The two Headway staff who facilitate the group are fluent in Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, and Urdu, it is also open to family members and carers. If you would like to attend this group please contact Madhu.

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Occupational Therapy Group Sessions

Led by Angela Gordon our in-house Neurological Specialist OT. We discuss topics including adjustment issues, managing good/bad days, evolving roles and development of new skills, managing fatigue, active relaxation and SMART goals. For people who have sustained a brain injury, the role of OT is diverse and highly specialised as it considers physical, cognitive, psychological, social and environmental factors a person may be struggling with.

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Lockdown Lyrics

Following brain injury, music can help with cognitive functioning, social skills and physical ability. Whether it's singing or playing an instrument, music can play a positive role in recovery and rehabilitation. Our Lockdown Lyrics group explores legendary musical artists and their music. Together we choose an influential album to listen to and explore and the production of lyrics.

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Grand Tour of Everything

Each week we visit a new country, albeit virtually! Members have the opportunity to learn about a place they may have visited before or somewhere completely new. Remembering holidays or trips from the past can stir powerful emotions and often transport us back in time. The group is able to talk about their memories from places they have visited and discuss places they would like to visit next and why.

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Backrow Banter

Backrow Banter is our Headway movie group. From mainstream, documentaries to all-time classics. You get to choose! Each week we will meet and reflect on the plot and characters from our movie of the week. So grab your popcorn and join us!

people showing their models

Carers Connect

Sustaining a brain injury can be a devastating experience for both the individual concerned as well as their family. Our weekly Carers group meets every Thursday evening. They group brings together those facing similar difficulties and challenges so that they can support each other, learn new strategies to assist them in their caring role and form new friendships.

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WEA Sessions

The Workers' Educational Association (WEA) is a charity as well as the UK’s largest voluntary sector provider of adult education. It has been delivering learning across Leicester for over 100 years. The lead various courses for us including courses in health and well-being and cultural education, literature or family history as well as practical subjects; such as singing and silk painting. Our current WEA session is History of Leicester