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Bloom after Brain Injury – Garden Open Day

man laying breaks
Headway Leicester celebrate the success their Garden Open Day with special thanks given to Costain, Prestige Pipelaying Ltd, Network Plus and Cadent for all their hard work and support.

On Wednesday 22 September we held an open day for everyone to celebrate the success of our ‘Bloom after Brain Injury’ project, which has regenerated a tired garden space into a more welcoming and accessible area for the brain injury survivors we support.


The project was only made possible due to the us securing funding in June 2021 from the Everards Community Excellence fund. A total of 162 community projects applied with just 12 being selected! We received a grant of £3,445 to upgrade the garden at Headway House.


Costain, Prestige Pipelaying Ltd, Network Plus and Cadent for their hard work and support, which included providing the raw materials to re-lay the block paving and donations towards picnic tables and an outdoor accessible bench.


Kane Richardson, Senior Contracts Manager, Prestige Pipeline, said, “It is good to support a local charity that is close to our clients and ourselves. It’s nice to give something back to the community. With the operational duties we do daily, what’s small to you is big to a charity.”

Special thanks was given to Derrys Nurseries, Cossington for volunteering their time to re-plan and plant our new sensory garden!


Ruth Johnson Marketing and Engagement Executive, commented “We have recruited ten new garden volunteers who have helped transform the garden – they have been truly amazing, and this project would not have been possible without them! Now the outdoor space is completed we are excited to spend more time outside planting some new vegetables as we know that gardening helps develops a sense of connection and can aid rehabilitation for the brain injury survivors we support”.


Headway Leicester member Kay says “It looks a lot better than it did – it looks lovely now”


Thank you to Mary and Martin Goulty for organising the project and everyone else involved!

man doing construction

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