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Members attend first session at our ‘Digital Day Centre’

zoom call
For the past few weeks key staff members and Michael, one of our tech-savvy volunteers, have been busy getting everything set up and ready to launch our ‘Digital Day Centre’. This was our meeting last Friday which marked #HatsforHeadway

Last Thursday, Dawn one of our Outreach workers (bottom left) held our first Zoom session with some of her clients from her Oakham Support Group and a few members from our Day Centre.

“Before going live, I sent everyone a message to remind them to have their devices fully charged, that they had a comfy set up, and to have their drink ready and the biscuits Headway had sent them with their invitation.
At 1pm on Thursday 14 May, our first Digital Day Centre session was greeted with smiles.

It was good for clients to see each other and catch up. We had a quiz and a game and clients recommended their latest TV viewing to each other, one client expressed how she was enjoying watching musicals on YouTube.

The hour went by so quickly. I contacted everyone after the session and the feedback was extremely positive. Everyone felt it was a successful and expressed they would like the same again next week!”

Our next session will be on Thursday 21 May, if you are a current member and would like to join the Zoom session then please contact Mary on or ring 0116 2739763 or 07916162512.

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