Derek (Del) was involved in an accident with a car whilst he was cycling in 2015, he landed in a ditch, and after being rushed to QMC, Del was put into an induced coma, he sustained several injuries and was off work for 18 months. Whilst he was at work in 2019, he suffered a seizure, a week later after another episode at home, Del was taken to QMC where he was diagnosed with Subarachnoid Haemorrhage. Del was advised by his Consultant that his recovery would be a slow process, needing to give it at least two years and would need to adjust to a new way of living.
Headway have turned my life around and now it's possible to to live with my brain damage and crippling headache.
Del was very low with depression, anxiety and needed support with alcohol issues, along with other health issues.
He remembers waking up one morning thinking is this it, am I always going to feel this way. Through his GP he was signposted to attended sessions at a Wellbeing Clinic and Turning Point, when these were coming to an end, they suggested Del contact Headway for further support with his brain injury.
I would just like to say a thank you to Headway. All of you have turned my life around. Today I have been the happiest I ever been since coming out of hospital. Whatever your doing...keep doing I feel fantastic.
Once referred to our services our Outreach team provided advice on how to pace himself, to avoid the headaches he suffers regularly.
Del has joined several of our Digital Day Centre meetings, and found meeting different people and talking through how they have been affected by their injuries a great support. Supporting each other is a fantastic benefit for our members and Del has found the digital sessions extremely beneficial.
Here at Headway Leicester we have been lucky to secure funding which has enabled us to have some amazing external tutors join our digital sessions including Pippa Pixley and local artist Helen Newton.
“Everyone has made great progress and gained such a lot of confidence which some are using to do their own work – Derek has been painting animals and his dog. I feel very proud to have worked with all of them”.
Del has created some fantastic pieces in our art therapy workshops. He is using his time at home to practice his art, exploring different techniques, looking at the details of his work and becoming more creative.
Thank you so much
headway now I can listen
John Fogerty while I am in the kitchen.